Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Monday, April 29, 2019

A True Message

The little plaque in today's post stands on a counter in a downstairs room.

Its message is so true.

People who have known their grandmothers are very blessed.

Gratefully, both maternal and paternal Grandmas were known to me.

They loved me with all their hearts and visa versa.

Memories of them, and all they meant in my life, often bring tears to my eyes.

Even though they've been gone from this earth for many years, all that they taught me, including their  Polish and Lithuanian customs, remains very close to my heart to this day.



diane stetson said...

Compassion, generosity, forgiveness, are just three of the things I learned from my grandparents.

Red Rose Alley said...

I didn't know my grandmother on my mother's side, and I was only a young child when my grandmother on my father's side was living, so I didn't get a chance to know her better. You see, I was the youngest child, so I only got to enjoy my grandparents for a short while. It's nice that you had a relationship with yours, Susan. Such a lovely plaque you have on your dresser. I do have a couple items that belonged to my grandma, and I treasure them very much.


*one thing you'd like to know about my grandmother is that she lost her husband when her kids were small and had to raise them all by herself. Such a strong woman raising five children. : )

Chatty Crone said...

My grandmother really showed me unconditional love. She loved all of us.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Susan, The plaque is very sweet. What a blessing that you knew both grandmothers. I know you treasure the memories. I only knew my paternal grandmother. I was fortunate to live close to her and visit often. I received my love of flower gardening from her and also my love of sewing. I hope you have an enjoyable evening.


i knew both my grandmothers, though one lived far away in california. Such a beautiful plaque you have sitting out.

Linda O'Connell said...

Ahh, Susan, such a sweet sentiment, and blessing you knew your grands. I knew my mom's mom.

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