Sunday, March 22, 2020

Call Upon the Angels

It's been a week since we have been quarantined. 

Of course, many of us are wondering how long this is going to last.

The news of so many people dying in Italy is traumatizing and beyond tragic. 

It is totally heartbreaking. 

It keeps coming into my mind that such sorrow and tragedy could also happen here, in the United States,  as well as in many other countries, if people don't take social distancing seriously.

Keeping inside helps to stop the deadly virus from spreading.

It's important to remember that we can call upon the angels to help us and guard us from harm.

There's a little candle in front of one of my favorite angel decorations on the front hall table.

It's comforting to think that spiritual beings from the other realm can actually protect us from harm.

May angels watch over all of us and prevent us from getting this horrendous coronavirus.

May they help us eventually return to our normal lives, with hearts filled to the brim with gratitude.



Linda O'Connell said...

Lovely sentiment, belief, and comforting thoughts. You are a ray of sunshine.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't really have interaction with angels - but I know I have been in some near misses and I know they have looked out for me.

ellen said...

I don't know if was an angel, but 20 years ago, while making our bed, I heard a very firm voice in my head say "Go to the doctor". At first, I blew it off, but I couldn't completely ignore it. So I went to the doctor and to make a very long story short, I had cancer. Luckily, it was Stage 1 and I was healed. I never would have gone for a check-up if it hadn't been for that very clear and firm voice. I was very blessed.

agatek said...

I wish you health and all your family.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful Angel. Yes, this is a worrisome time right now. I went to Target this morning to get a few things, and it was a bit scary being around the shoppers. But everyone was pretty nice and kept their distance, which was good.

Keep your positive thoughts during this time, Susan. And I hope that beautiful Angel stays on your front hall table for awhile. : )


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