Sunday, April 26, 2020

Deep Peace, My Friend

                                                                      (Kitchen window sill setting in the sun.)

Today, I wish you deep peace.

In these very disconcerting, uncertain, and kind of scary times, peace is a precious gift.

It helps us breathe better, feel better, and live better.

No matter what is happening around us, if peace is in our hearts, all is okay.

Of course, peace that humans give is different from the peace given by God.

His is all-encompassing and  never ending.

That's the kind wished for you today.



Red Rose Alley said...

That is the prettiest picture, Susan. I love the sun shining through on your cobalt vases, and your Angel looks sweet hanging next to the flowers.

....."peace that humans give is different from the peace given by God." That is very true, Susan.

Have a restful Sunday. I went to the store last night, and it is always strange being at the store right now. I lost my card, but I talked to St. Anthony, and found my card that had fallen in the side of the seat. I was so thankful. : )


diane stetson said...

Let there be peace on Earth and let it being with me,
Let there be peace on Earth the peace that was meant to be...etc.
Only in God can we find read peace.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your photograph.
I agree with Diane.
"Only in God can we find read peace."

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