Thursday, April 16, 2020

Frittering the Day


That's such a cool word.

The meaning behind it, though, isn't too cool.

One thing I've definitely learned from the stay-at-home mandate of coronavirus is that unless a list of "to do's" is written, it is easy to fritter away the day and that's not good.

Usually, during "normal" times, it's hard to find a single 10-minute slot in which to fritter.

However, during these at home days, there are whole stretches of time to fill.

By doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that, before one knows it, the day is coming to an end. Uh oh.

Honestly, I don't like frittering time because it's way too precious.

Tomorrow, I'm going to have a list. 

No more frittering!



diane stetson said...

Well it depends on what the meaning of the word is...fritter....I don't do chores or a list everyday. I do things that need to be done instead and I take my time about it. In my old age I need to rest in-between things anyway. It's nice not to have to meet a deadline at this stage of my life.

Chatty Crone said...

I did fritter for a couple weeks - now I am doing certain things every day so I fritter a little and work a little.

Your crystal candle holder - do the lights make the color and it is really plain crystal or is there color in the crystal? I have one exactly like that but it is all crystal - no colors.

Lady Linda said...

Hi Susan...I am getting back into blogging and it's nice to see you again. i kind of flip between frittering and being really busy. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster ride...up and down. I do try to make a list most days as I just have always done that. Stay safe.

Linda O'Connell said...

I am frittering also. I look at the clock and it is lunch time, next thing it's dinner time, then bedtime. I am busy doing nothing. LOL

SImple and Serene Living said...

I definitely do a lot of frittering. I'm the only one here to see the results of my frittering so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself during these stressful times. It's the overeating that is bothering more than anything and I am trying to get outside and walk a little more. It is definitely easier to fritter though. xo Laura

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Frittering is part of my job description these days. I read a little, write a little, do a little housework (not too much), cook a little, talk with family and friends a little, browse magazines a little, look out the window a little....

Susan Branch was talking about making banana fritters on her recent post. That would be a yummy way to fritter a while.

Happy Friday, Susan.
Brenda xox

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