Thursday, April 30, 2020

Pansy Joy

A couple of  wonderful things happened yesterday.

Even though we are still very much in the middle of the devastating pandemic,  there were a couple of little bright spots on the horizon.

First, the sun came out and stayed all day!

Now that can be cause for major celebrating when one is plagued with slate gray skies for days.

The sun energizes and lifts the spirit.

Secondly, hubs planted the tray of totally adorable pansies purchased while on a Sunday ride.

It was one of those "have to get out of the house or keel over" days.

We donned our masks, got into my trusty 15 year-old car, and took off.

I loved picking out the pansies in different rich and beautiful colors.

They have been staying in the dining room until it was time to plant them. 

So now when I look out the front windows, the sight of spring pansies fills my heart with joy.

Like it has been said many times, it's the little things in life that bring us joy. 



Chatty Crone said...

Okay did you know that in Georgia - we have pansies all year long - they are beautiful.

diane stetson said...

I love pansies but do not have any in my yard. This week I had lovely yellow mini roses pretty.

Linda O'Connell said...

I understand. When I planted my flowers I wanted to cry happy tears. Your flowers are so bejeweled and beautiful.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I LOVE pansies. I bought a pot of pansies today ... they were sitting at the front door of the grocery store. They are adding a spot of sunshine on my front step. And they are so fragrant in the sweet pansy scent.

Your photos are lovely, Susan.

Happy day,
Brenda xox

Shari Burke said...

Gorgeous! I particularly love the purple ones :-)

Kit said...

They are so lovely!! My hubby loves Pansies. But I have to admit I love pink geraniums. Take care my friend. 💕 Kit

Joyful said...

I absolutely love pansies and I look for them every spring. It is getting harder and harder to find some but I did manage to find 4 little pots this year. I agree that they bring a lot of joy and I'm so glad you and your husband found some to plant and enjoy.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Sun and pretty pansies are definitely mood lifters. xo Laura

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