Monday, June 22, 2020

Summer food treats

Around our house, two foods are associated directly with summer.

Fruit is one of them and bacon/lettuce/and fresh tomato sandwiches are the other.

There is such an abundance of beautiful fruit at this time of year.

Berries are among favorites.

On Father's Day, it was easy to whip together a delicious fruit tray with fresh, sweet strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, honey dew melon and mango chunks.

The colors of the fruits were so beautiful.  All grouped together, they looked like an art piece.

A dip of sour cream mixed with honey was served along side the fruit platter.

The bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches made in the summer cannot be beat.

They are nothing like ones in the winter, when tomatoes taste mealy and unappealing.

So, if you want a special light meal, pick up fruit and tomatoes at a farmer's market, make a fruit tray with simple dip, some blts, and enjoy.



diane stetson said...

Love BLTs and had one just the day before yesterday. Also have had delicious peaches, cherries and watermelon along with grapefruit from a neighbor's tree...all quite delicious. I love summer food and everything tastes better on the grill.

Linda O'Connell said...

I worked with a woman from Africa who wished she could bring her mother to America so she could taste our many fruits. BLT, with egg and cheese, my favorite summer sandwich.

Chatty Crone said...

I guess my favorite fruit is peaches - of course. I love watermelon too. Looks like you had a nice Father's Day celebration. I love BTL's too and grilled cheese.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I need to makes some BLT's. What a scrumptious post! I love fruit too so your arrangment is masterful! Looks like flowers! Thanks for sharing. HUGS

Laurel Wood said...

I have always loved BLT. As I have grown older, I also love all fruits. I am lucky to have lived near a larger farmers market and enjoy the flavors of fresh fruit and veggies all summer.

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