Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Brilliant Red Cardinal

It has been said that a red cardinal is symbolic of a visitor from the other realm of life.

A friend gave me a brilliant red hanging cardinal as a gift, in memory of my beloved husband who died in July.

It's hung in a kitchen window.

During the Christmas season, a deep red plate and a green glass flanked the bird.

Every time I look at it, it reminds me of my darling.

It's quite colorful and beautiful.



diane stetson said...

Cardinals are the symbol my school used as a mascot. I received many from students when I worked there. I do not see cardinals where I live. I think they like a colder climate. The red one is very pretty. I have at least six of them as ornaments on my Christmas tree.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

What a beautiful gift. All your colored glass looks so lovely in the window. My ex-husband's Nonny used to always say that when you see a cardinal, you should close your eyes and make a wish, and that's what I've done ever since. :) Sending hugs your way.

Whispering Horn said...

I adore cardinals. I have a few in my kitchen. And how I love to look out a window, and see their red color amid nature. I've also heard they are supposed to represent visitors from the place where love lives.

Red Rose Alley said...

All I know about cardinals is that I dream of seeing the Red Cardinal someday. I don't see them here where I live. Susan, your red cardinal is beautiful, and it looks so pretty in your kitchen window. You have the most lovely treasures around your home. This is a sweet reminder of the love you have for your husband.


Linda O'Connell said...

I heard cardinals are a visit fromt he great beyond. Ine day we were walking in the park, and I hear a ruckus in the bisuhes. I peeked in and saw two dozen bright red cardinals. too bad I didn't have my camera. That image still is in my mind. Happy day to you.

Jeanette said...

That is beautiful and such a thoughtful gift! I know next to nothing about cardinals except I don't see one very often in these parts!

Laurel Wood said...

Susan, I am sad to learn of your husband’s passing. Your cardinal is absolutely beautiful and such a sweet reminder. I walk on the street in front of my home and often see Cardinals.

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