Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Wonder of Snow Globes

Snow globes are wondrous creations.

They are little worlds of pure whimsy and magic.

While peering into a snow globe, one's imagination can be set on fire.

One year at Christmas, my son and his wife gifted my daughter and her husband with one of the most beautiful snow globes imaginable.

Inside its watery confines, an old-fashioned-looking couple and a child skate around and around.

Nearby. trees sparkle.

It's a dreamy scene and evokes wonderful Christmas memories.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That is a really lovely one. I used to have a couple but over time the water literally evaporated. I'm guessing this hot, dry desert environment just wasn't the right place for them. :/

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I do like snow globes and have several ones. One is of the Nativity in gold. I bought it many years ago when I was first starting out on my own. And I have one from a friend, also from many years ago, of a winter snow party with skaters and snowmen and Christmas trees. It winds up on the base and plays one a Christmas song. Can't recall the title offhand. And I have tiny little globes that are great fun to turn upside down for the snow blizzard. I gave one to my niece when she was a toddler. She adored it. And she knew to be careful with it.

Susan, thanks for sharing your own treasured snow globe today.

diane stetson said...

I was gifted with a gorgeous snow globe too. It's a Christmas one and it is also a music box which plays Silent Night...When you shake it the snow goes all around My grandsons love to look at it . I only take it out at Christmas time. I have four other snow globes but they are small and not nearly as large as this one. I love them.

Red Rose Alley said...

YES, I DO HAHA! I only have a few, but I sure do love them all. Yours is delightful, Susan. It looks like the people skating are from an old era. Yes, snow globes are magical, and they bring smiles to children and grown-ups around the world. : )


Nellie said...

I’ve always wished to begin a snow globe collection; never have begun to do that, and now isn’t the time to begin collecting something else.:-) I love snow globes!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have 2 snowglobes on my dresser from the Mitford collection that I got years ago. I love them and I love yours!

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