Thursday, January 7, 2021

Freedom Isn't Free

Freedom Isn't Free


The sweet freedom of all Americans took a hit on Wednesday.

It was hard to watch as domestic terrorists  (thugs?) stormed the country's Capitol in Washington.

Demonstrating absolutely no respect or dignity of any kind, members of the angry mob filled the steps in front of the Capitol.

They climbed the walls outside the building, stairways, and smashed windows.

One woman was shot by an unidentified person and later died.

 This was America?

What has happened to our beloved country?

How did we get to this point? Is it going to get worse before it gets better?

It's enough to give anyone a major headache, not to mention heartache.

Two more weeks, folks. 

Two more weeks and a new President will step forward to bring decency, intelligence, and order back to America.

In the meantime, we wait and hope and pray.


diane stetson said...

Thank God we will have some normalcy in our new President.

Babs said...

I am disgusted by this violence. I ache seeing my country deal with this ignorant, mentally deranged , selfish prig. I am on my knees in gratitude that HE IS DONE. We will not see him again!!!!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

They were definitely not protesters. How was it so very easy to get that far in? Too many not doing their job to protect and serve. Too many fools and power hungry imbeciles. So sick of the Instigaor-in-Chief and his legion of reality show cultish zombies. When are we going to be rid of the goons who are mucking up the world? There are many who need to be held accountable for everything that happened and if they aren't prosecuted, if there are no consequences, then the whole system is a sham.

Nellie said...

Our country is in crisis! This was an attack on democracy! Jan. 20 can’t come soon enough for me, and I’m too old to be wishing for time to pass quickly! I’m not completely at ease with the passing of the next 12 days! Another “gathering” has been mentioned for the 20th! Investigating this needs to be a 24/7 thing! I’m so grateful for you, Susan!

Linda O'Connell said...

Frightening times, and an umbalanced president makes most of us feel on edge.

It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bless you, my friend.

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