Sunday, February 28, 2021

Peaceful Sunday

 On this very last day of February, 2021, may your heart be filled with sweet peace.

The weekend, so far, has brought both rain and snow as well as chilly temps.

 However, it's still possible to keep warmth and love in one's heart.

If the skies remain slate gray, we can make our own sunshine.

Make this day special by being  a bright light in the world or even in your own space.

A fragrant candle, a little prayer, and wishes for peace all count in contributing to a cozy atmosphere.



Laurel Wood said...

One of many interesting things about blogging with folks around the country is the differences in weather, we are in the low seventies today!
During weather like you are experiencing, I enjoy a warm mug of soup and maybe a fire in the fireplace and a good book. On these warm spring like days, I enjoy walking with my little dog and enjoying the fragrance of jonquils and tea olives. Being outdoors, watching the birds and flowers grow gives me a sense of peace. Hard to believe March is almost here, have a nice afternoon and evening, Mildred

Nellie said...

I love reading in front of the fireplace, often with a throw over me. It’s very comforting; may even sometimes lead to a nap.:-)

diane stetson said...

I love reading in my kindle or watching PBS which has lots of wonderful concerts and programs. We have not had much rain this winter at all but when it rains I love to make homemade soups.

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