Friday, February 26, 2021

The Blessings of Each Day


Every day of life is, indeed, a very precious gift.

It's important to note the good things about each day and cherish them.

For instance, the tulips shown at the top of the post and below are still fairly perky. 


They have been very long-lasting flowers from my son and daughter -in-law, given to me in a huge bouquet for Valentine's Day.

The full bouquet is still on the front hall table.

Equally lovely and still living is the bouquet of daisies, lilies, and roses from my daughter and son-in-law, also for Valentine's Day!   

 Having a delicious breakfast of eggs, ham, toast, and coffee today is another gift, given early in the day.

 I always think of all the people throughout the world who don't have any breakfast and how blessed I am. 

 It's not as cold today so that's another plus.

There are some thank-you notes to write and, luckily, a whole slew of pretty cards, ready to use, were found at a thrift shop. Yippah.

I am wishing you a delightful day, dear blog peeps. 

 Hope it's a good one for you.



Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I love your cards from the thrift store. I am always needing these to send little notes in the mail, but I haven't gone to any stores to get them, so I just use a piece of white paper and write. Your 'heart of gold' cup is so nice, and your breakfast of ham and eggs and toast looks delicious. I notice you are eating from your special china too. Your daughter and son-in-law are thoughtful to give you such nice things.

To answer your question of a gift I received.....the painter has been here this week and he patched some stuff in the bathroom and is doing little extra things for me to make the house nicer.

Have a beautiful day, dear Susan. It's always a pleasure to visit your lovely blog posts.


diane stetson said...

Today I woke up to bright sunshine and that always cheers me up. I have already heard from both my children and a sister sent me a text . I love to hear from family so early in the day. I'm off to swim and that gives me lots of exercise. Grateful for each and every thing this morning.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Susan, each Thursday, I visit a local thrift store and I love looking through shoe boxes of cards. I love when I find a card with vintage illustrations on them, I found my sister the sweetest Christmas card with adorable children singing and the lyrics to Joy to the World printed on the card.
Your flowers are still so pretty. Such thoughtful gifts from your children.
Your breakfast on your lovely China looks delish. Recently I stopped in to pick up a pizza and the owner told me she had made some cheesy bread for a homeless man for his breakfast earlier that day. I gave her some extra money and told her to put it toward anything he might could eat.
My special treat to be thankful for today is that our temp got up to 78 degrees. My little dog and I had the best walk in the warm sunshine.
Such a joy to visit your blog each evening, I wish you a sound sleep. Mildred

Nellie said...

Your flowers are lasting a long time! How cheerful to have them in the house! The expected rain has begun here, and it will continue off and on for the next several days. It’s a blessing to have a comfortable place of shelter in the rain. Sending good wishes to you for this day!

Kit said...

Hello lovely lady! Such pretty flowers you have. Some gifts today are: books picked up from the library, a snow storm, a piece of pumpkin pie. Take care. Stay well and safe. Kit 💕

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