Friday, March 26, 2021

Ukrainian Pysanky Eggs


My late high school friend, Patti, was a collector.

Like me, she loved thrift store shopping and buying beautiful things.

 She had an eye that could spot a diamond in the rough.

One of her collections was Ukrainian pysanky eggs. Patti was Ukrainian, too.

So many years she gifted me with absolutely gorgeous pysanky eggs.

These are definitely not thrift store eggs. They are painstakingly done and very, very expensive.

Each one is an exquisite work of art.

It is almost impossible to imagine the amount of color, detail, and precision that go into each egg.

 They are different in design from Polish Easter eggs. 

All of the Polish ones I have are wooden so even the grands can hold them and examine them for close inspection.

The pysanky eggs are real eggs that have been blown out.  

 If one drops on the floor, it breaks into hundreds of shreds (and the owner cries.)

Patti died this year and my heart breaks to not be able to wish her Happy Easter.

The splendorous eggs she gave me are displayed in a china hutch I got after my own mother died.

The pysanky egg collection is safe from little hands. 

Thank you, dear Patti.  I wish you a very Happy Easter in heaven. I will always love you and treasure our life-long friendship.



diane stetson said...

Oh those eggs are just beautiful Susan. Such a nice memory of Patti too. Enjoy them this Easter and for many more to come.

Red Rose Alley said...

The Ukrainian eggs are beautiful, Susan. What a thoughtful gift from your dear friend. I know you must miss her so. I love your cabinet displaying your collection of heritage eggs and a special doll. These eggs are so delicate and lovely. And look at all the detail that went into each one. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

Those are beautiful! Away from littlehands is necessary sometimes. I had Charlie filling plastic eggs with uncooked rice. then I'd say OVAL. He;'d say, "NO NANNY! Pac-Man." LOL

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