Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Are Hobbies Good for Your Health?

 Not being involved much with the medical world, I have no official answer to the question of whether hobbies are good for one's health.

 However, if something calms a person down, fills their free time, and makes them happy, it cannot be anything but good.

For decades, collecting dolls has brought me great joy.

Here's a two inch teddy bear that the little doll in red carries with her all the time!

 Each new addition has been like adding a new baby to one's family.

New doll arrivals have been cause for utter joy and love.

 Now that I'm trying to lessen the amount of possessions I have, letting go of dolls is on the agenda.

It's like pulling teeth......painful, and nothing to look forward to.

However, what I've decided to do is let the bigger, space-usurping dolls go  and retain the smaller lovelies.

Quite a few of my bigger beauties have sold.

But some will remain with me because they really do guarantee to make me smile and that counts.

 The two sweetie pies in this post are among the keepers. 

 Both are petite and don't take up much space in the house but they definitely do in my heart!



diane stetson said...

You've always loved dolls Susan so keep as many as you can in your old age so you can smile at them all. I have a wonderful hobby in which I learn so much.-it's reading...especially historical novels. Love them. I use my kindle so do not collect books anymore to take up room in my that is a plus.

Linda O'Connell said...

Oh those beautiful blue eyes! My friend's mother collected dolls, she had nearly a thousand. When they cleaned out herhosue, they found them under the bed and everywhere.

Laurel Wood said...

I adore your pretty dolls and also your gift at photographing them. I kept my most special dolls from childhood and they made this recent move with me. If I hug them close, they still smell like they did the Christmas they were brand new! As my health has changed over the years, so have. My hobbies. No longer can I do cross stitch but I do love watching the birds and planting a small flower garden and playing with and photographing my pets.

Red Rose Alley said...

I think if something brings you joy, that's a good thing. And your dolls fall into that category. That one with the blue eyes is so pretty. And the one in red looks like a Christmas doll, doesn't she? My favorite hobby is probably taking pictures. To be still and photograph something, then download them on the computer and see the magic is really a thrill for me. I also love to decorate my home. Is that a hobby? haha. I hope your dolls bring you much joy in the years ahead, Susan. And I love seeing them. : )


Nellie said...

Your dolls are lovely! I have kept some of the dolls our daughters had when they were young. They need some TLC. That’s probably what I need to take up as a hobby. Reading has been a favorite hobby for a long time; adds to my book collection; never too many books, just not enough bookcases!:-)

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I used to collect many things, but crochet and cross-stitch are the hobbies I spend the most time on. Walking, too, I guess. Trying to make reading a daily habit, also. I think paring down and curating is a good thing. For sure there's always someone who will benefit from and enjoy items we are ready to let go of. Take care.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I have so many s/p shaker collection, anything tea related, dolls, Precious Moments, Frances Hook figurines, WIllow Tree figures. I have thought of downsizing all the large dolls I have But it makes me sad. I have so many. I do have a Charlotte doll and my SIL Zach has the cutest little niece Charlotte Rose and I would like to gift her that pretty doll. My dolls give me great joy and I have had some wild and crazy months lately. I do apologize for not stopping by more. Your posts encourage a soul. HUGS xo

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