Saturday, April 3, 2021

Christ Lives!


  He Is Risen!

This is a joyous day!

A glorious day!

 On this blessed day, Christians celebrate that  Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross, and after three days, He rose from the dead.

It is a day of hope and unparalleled love----the love that Christ had for all of his beloved children!

 For those who believe that Christ rose from the dead, and even for those who do not, celebrate this day.

Happy Easter to all my special and precious blog peeps! 

(All the photos in this post were taken inside a Market 32 (supermarket) in Western Massachusetts.)



Red Rose Alley said...

Happy Easter to my dear blog sister.


Linda O'Connell said...

My memory is having to eat a bunch of hard boiled eggs for a week. But the memories from my kids' Easter mornings are my happiest. Blessings to you.

diane stetson said...

HAPPY EASTER. My memory is when we were kids we had a fashion show with our new Easter outfits Mom bought for us each year. Loved those.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

My memories are of Easter egg hunts in my Mammaw's backyard. We had the best time with all the family coming together, lots of delicious food and weather was usually nice and warm in the south. Blessings to you and yours. Best wishes for the new week.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I have always loved Easter the best. Attendign Catholic school we were always in church for Easter services and attended daily Mass. My hubby was not a Catholic but we sent some of our kids to Catholic school. Two of them graduates from a Catholic high school But when they were small my husband and I would tell them, anyone can be born but only One lived, died and rose again. If we believe God's truths we will oneday enjoy the company of those who have gone before us. Beautiful posts you have written here.

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