Saturday, April 24, 2021

Vignettes with Familiar Objects

 Several years ago, I bought an entire set of warm, blue, green,
red and  yellow dishes for my daughter.

She was in love with them.

 Recently, however, she returned the whole set to me because they were "impractical" with children.

It's definitely true.  Kids are rough on any kind of dishes, let alone hand painted ones!

Sooooo, I happily took the gift back.  

 Into a  large vase and pitcher went silverware such as spatulas, scrapers, whisks, and so forth.

A gigantic round platter has brightened up the counter top near the sink.

A nice arrangement of yellow squash and bright, red tomatoes completes the scene.

See? No money spent to give the decor an uplift with old dishes that are eye-catching and lovely.



Linda O'Connell said...

You certainly have a way of decorating using tableware in unique displays. That looks lovely!

diane stetson said...

Very pretty arrangements. You have a knack for decorating.

Laurel Wood said...

The dishes are so colorful and I love the vignettes you created. You have a real design flair. Blessings to you this weekend.

Kit said...

Hello my friend! Yes I do. I have a full set of cupboards full of items to decorate with. I change my decor in my main living space each month. Hope you're well. Kit

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