Saturday, May 8, 2021

A Season of incredible Beauty

 All seasons of the year have their beauty but I think spring in New England is extra special.

I often wonder if other people have their breath taken away as I do when looking at all the splendor around at this time of year.

Do you grab your cell phone camera and snap like a mad woman?

I do. It is impossible not to.

 Just a short jaunt to the pubic indoor swimming pool where I exercise becomes a photo-snapping frenzy.

There are so many incredibly gorgeous trees in bloom right now.

 My heart is full just looking at them and capturing them in photos so you can see them, too.



diane stetson said...

I can remember seeing the cherry blossom trees in bloom in Washington DC when I was a teenager. I still can picture them even in my old age. I love spring and fall in New England.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Those are definitely some WOW flowers! Gorgeous photos!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Photos that catch your breath! Oh yes, Susan, me and my camera are snap happy around such beauty! Such lovely pictures. Thank you!

Laurel Wood said...

Happy Mother’s Day, Susan. These are gorgeous photos. How nice that where you swim has such beautiful landscape.

Red Rose Alley said...

The white blossom trees are wonderful, Susan. I can see why you kept taking pictures of them. We usually get the Pink blossom trees in northern California, and they grace the streets and neighborhoods. Now, you say Spring is extra special in New England, but I've seen your Autumns too, and they are BEAUTIFUL!

love to you on this Mother's Day, Susan.


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