Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Many Bolts of Blue

It's that time of year again when vibrant cobalt blue glass pieces in the kitchen are exchanged for more fall-like amber glass.

This year, rather than pack the blue pieces away in the attic, they got placed in a pantry window.

 We'll show you the amber glass in another post.

The cobalt blue pieces, gathered together rather than be spread out on window sills, look kind of picturesque.  

 A very dear friend, Delores, who lived in Arizona, introduced me to collecting different kinds of colored glass. 

She has gone to the other side now and is missed terribly but her tradition of switching different colored glass with the seasons carries on!



Linda O'Connell said...

I like cranberry glass, but do not have any. my late friend collected cobalt. Hope you have agreat day.

diane stetson said...

Oh I Iove all colors of your glass collection. I can’t have one where I live due to it being earthquake country . I like the way you change colors with each season.

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