Monday, June 6, 2022

The Comfort of a Trickling Fountain

 A special little corner of our back yard makes me happy.

There are bricks on the ground in a half moon shape.  

My late hubs lovingly made that brick platform for a fountain that I found late one fall in one of the big box hardware stores.

 Someone had previously purchased and returned it because some of the pieces still had water on them.

Admittedly, the fountain was difficult to piece and put together.  There is no way I would have been able to "build" the fountain but my hubs was a whiz at doing just about anything around the house.

 He put it together in a couple of days.

He wrapped that fountain to protect it from the elements of a New England winter and, in the spring, off came the plastic protection.

Once filled with water, the sounds of it falling over three different levels is exceedingly pleasant. 

Birds come to take little sips of the water and, occasionally, dip their wings into it as well.

To keep algae from forming in the water, a little bit of hydrogen peroxide gets added. It's very effective.

Lots of plants, both wild and domestic, grow nicely around the fountain. Especially loved are the lilies of the valley.



Red Rose Alley said...

Your fountain has been a source of joy for you for many years, Susan. The sound of water has always been a pleasant one and so calming. I like all the plants around your fountain. And that pretty blue pot.

To answer your question.....Yes, I have a yard, and it's a huge front and side yard on a corner lot. So much work to take care of, but planted in the front of my yard is a white flowering bush. A blog friend once told me it was a bridal wreath plant. It's blooming nicely right now, as we had some rain this weekend.

Enjoy your precious fountain, Susan, that your husband put together for you with love. I know you think of him when you're out there in the back yard. : )


Haddock said...

The sight of the fountain reminded me of my childhood house in Bombay (now Mumbai) It is said that the trickling sound attracts birds as they feel it is a running rivulet and hence fresh water.

Linda O'Connell said...

We have abird feeder that attracts a variety of birds and half a dozen squirrels, bunnies and a chipmunk. I love to sit on the pation and watch the activity.

I remember when you got the fountain. Trickling water is conducive to writing for me. I love sitting outdoors. Thank you for your visits to my blog.

diane stetson said...

I have a lovely patio with some plants but no I do not have a garden. The soil is too dry here and there is very little rain so nothing lasts too long. Enjoy yours while you can.

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