Thursday, January 26, 2023

A Snowy Winter Wonderland

 The photos in this post are indicative of the kind of weather we are currently experiencing in western Massachusetts.

 It is a definitely a picturesque winter wonderland.

Yesterday, the loveliness was a bit a skewed because my car had to be dug out of ice and layers of snow before starting it. 

That was a chilly and not fun task.

Then, backing it out, we landed in snow up to the bottom of the car door and there was going nowhere.

One thing learned early in the driving years was to rock the car back and forth several times when stuck in snow.

 I did that and, after some very frustrating failed attempts, vroom! vroom!, the car jerked forward with me in it. Ha!  Freedom!

Today all schools are closing at noon because another storm is predicted to visit this afternoon.

 It's best to go out soon, do errands, and beat it back as quickly as possible.

 Hope each person reading this has a "love-lee day!"


Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, sorry your car got stuck in the snow, but what a trooper you are. People living with snow conditions are pretty awesome, in my opinion, cause it can be difficult and scary getting here and there on a snow day. I know, as my car got stuck last week when I was driving up a hill, and had to go back and out another way. But look at this beautiful snowfall you had! Oh Susan, these photos are wonderful! I love to see all the light posts and statues buried in the snow. I never heard about rocking the car back and forth. Thanks for sharing. Here's to my very special blog friend, who tries to see the good in every situation!

love you,

*I will definitely come back to see this winter wonderland.

diane stetson said...

" Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
In the lane snow is glistening
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walking in a Winter wonderland"

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You live in a beautiful area where winters are magical. Yeah, I get that there are inconveniences - but the winter where you live is so pretty. It doesn't snow where I live but I can drive up to it and marvel at the spectacular winter show.

The photos are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That is a lot of white stuff. Take care and stay warm and cozy.

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