Saturday, April 22, 2023

Beauty, Beauty, Everywhere

Believe it or not, human beings are surrounded by beauty no matter where they go.

Sometimes it is a flash of beauty but it is there nonetheless.

What we have to do is be aware of it, perhaps look for it, and appreciate it when we find it.

For instance, while sitting in a supermarket parking lot, I glance out of the car window and see pretty bushes in white bloom.

I have no idea what the name of the flowers are but they are very attractive.

They definitely look prettier than plain concrete.

So look around and you are sure to see something that qualifies as beautiful.

Then sit back and enjoy it.



Red Rose Alley said...

I love those little trees with the white blossoms that were planted at the grocery store. They are sure to become grand blossom trees. Yes, so many things of beauty if only we look around. I've been seeing lots of birds right on my lawn lately. They come and go, and come again - possibly making a nest. : )

Have a peaceful Sunday, Susan.


Linda O'Connell said...

What a lovely plant/tree/bush? I have never seen anything like it here. We have thelittle whit buttom bushes, or big white snowball bush. My granddaughyter gave me flowers and a huge surprise today: the pink star gazer lily bloomed HUGE. Have a great week.

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