Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fun for the Grandkids...



Throughout the years, it's been easy to pick up small, seasonal treasures.

They are easier to store than big ticket items.

  Once a particular season is over, whoosh!, one can collect them in a big zip lock plastic bag and stash them.

Luckily, a nick knack  rack, found many years ago, has been painted and used to store treasures for any season that comes along.

 The local grandkids had a blast combining Halloween and Thanksgiving items on the rack.

It is on a wall in the new apartment, between the galley kitchen and dining/living room. 

 If you have your grands over to your place, think about their decorating such a rack with seasonal items.

 The little ones will have a blast and you'll be all decorated for the holiday!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a collection of fun seasonal decorations. Your grandkids must have lots of fun to explore these cute treasures.

I don't do any Hallowe'en decorating except for the front door on Hallowe'en Day. I sometimes carve a pumpkin or two but that's rare these days.

I have been thinking about what kind of treats to hand out this year.

Linda O'Connell said...

I am certain little ones spend a lot if time gazing at the collection, imagining...

Red Rose Alley said...

What a fun thing for the grandkids to do. I remember your blue knick knack rack filled with so many holiday goodies. I look forward to seeing it at Christmastime. : )


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