Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Fluffy Pink Reindeer and Matching Tree


While shopping in a big box store, the holiday section drew me like a nail to a magnet.

It was a super stocked section.

Best of all, almost an entire wall happened to be dedicated to small ornaments for a Christmas tree.

 What about prices for those ornaments?    They cost only $1.98 cents each.

It was the kind of news that makes a person want to do the Happy Dance down the store's aisles.

A pink fuzzy reindeer on skinny wooden stick legs and a matching fuzzy tree both touched my Christmas-obsessed heart.


They look so pretty next to pink poinsettias on the buffet hutch. 



diane stetson said...

My son is donating a Christmas tree to me this year. I'm waiting for him and my grandsons to come and put it up for me. No decorations up yet but soon. Your pink things are very pretty.

Red Rose Alley said...

aaahhh, those ornaments are cute, Susan, and perfect for you, as you love pink. Wow, that was a good price too. The poinsettia is lovely as well. They all look nice on your table. I have already decorated, and am just enjoying all the Christmassy stuff around me. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

This weekend I will begin. Your table is delightful and inviting.

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