Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Speeding Fast Toward Turkey Day


Thanksgiving is coming toward us like a speeding freight train.


Thankfully, there is no longer a need to start buying ingredients for the huge variety of dishes on that day.

The torch has been passed to my daughter.

 Luckily, memories can be brought up faster than cracking a wish bone.

There are just a few Thanksgiving decorations around the new apartment. 


So it's a new apartment and old decorations.  Works for me!

Hope your Tuesday is terrific.




diane stetson said...

No turkey where I am going . The family always has something other than turkey. I haven't had a turkey meal in years. I miss it but being with family is worth it.

Rockwin said...

A brilliant read! Your post is both insightful and well-crafted. Appreciate you sharing your valuable perspective.

Red Rose Alley said...

Like you, cooking the turkey has been passed down to my son, which does a wonderful job. He loves to cook, and he always adds special things to his foods. I usually make the side dishes, but when I visit the girls, it's all them. And isn't that nice once in awhile to be free from all the cooking? I had a cute ceramic turkey, but also passed that down to Jess. Oh, the things we do as a mother, Susan. I love your little Thanksgiving figurine. She looks so thankful. And your pilgrim with the pumpkin looks quite handsome. ; )


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