Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Oh, You Beautiful Doll(s)


A lifelong collection (obsession?) may be the part of many peoples' lives.

Ever since early childhood, dolls have had a huge influence on me.


They have accompanied me on moves to different states, including cross country, and back again to the east.

The vast majority of the doll collection is still in boxes in a storage unit. 

 I hope this will be the year they can be retrieved.

In the meantime,  the sweet dollies shown in this post, none even 12 inches tall, are daily reminders of happier days yet to come.

 These charming beauties will be reunited with their many sisters and cousins.

That will surely be a day to celebrate.



My Tata's Cottage said...

Y E S ! I love dolls, I collect so many things. I am always going to do it too. So dolls give me that childlike innocence back in my older years. I love anything to do with tea. Collect s/p shaker sets, Willow Creek, Precious Moments and Frances Hook figurines. Coffee mugs too. Drives my middle girl nuts yet she is turning into me. I am so very proud. I have been away from blogging or a while. Getting back to it. I will be back. Thanks for the smiles, beautiful photos of beautiful dolls. Have a blessed rest of the week.

diane stetson said...

You have loved dolls since you were a little girl. I remember you singing to them at night and saying prayers for them. Enjoy the ones you have now.

Red Rose Alley said...

I love your doll in what appears to be a 20's lady. She's so elegant with her boa. That soft pink color is charming. I do hope you can get your other dolls out of storage soon, Susan. I know how much you love them. I also love dolls, especially cloth dolls.

I used to have collections of things, but after all the moves, they were all given away. I do, however, still have my tea cup collection, and I love seeing them when I pass by my china cabinet. : )


Katie Isabella said...

How sweet they are. I wish I still had mine from so long ago.

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