What makes people choose their hobbies? Why does one person love collecting stamps while another is wild about butterflies?

Is it possible that the seeds of a hobby are planted in childhood? For me, that is definitely the case. My love affair with dolls began very early in life. In photos as young as six years old, I am rarely photographed without a doll clutched to my bosom or cradled in my arms.

One of my very first babies was a Tiny Tears doll named Michelle. She had a turquoise corduroy coat and hat and a crop of dark, curly hair close to her head. Tiny holes at the base of her eyes were tear ducts and after she drank her bottle, tears streamed down her face. I loved her with all my heart and often wonder what ever became of her.

My father built a playhouse for me that was attached to our garage and there I spent untold happy hours of my childhood. Even at a tender age, I somehow amassed a collection of at least 30 dolls in all states of repair. Some had missing arms, legs, and one had a missing head! Still, they were all very much loved.

In the summer, each doll had to say a prayer before being put to bed so that was quite a long ritual!

No matter how many decades have passed, the sight of a new doll always makes my heart beat just a little bit faster.

Blonde curls or dark, straight hair hardly matter. Hazel, green, or sparkling brown eyes are all great. All the dolls who have joined my way-too-large collection are my favorites.

Hobbies bring us happiness and fulfillment. Collecting dolls has definitely enhanced my life but if all of them had to say a prayer before bed nowadays, I'd be a very holy woman! ha!
Remember this Susan? "Oh my dear little dolly, she has eyes of bright blue? She can open and shut them and she can smile at me too.In the morning I wake her and we go out to play ..but the best time I love her is at the end of the day." xo
You surely have the collection! I collected houses --small wooden ones--for years. I love pictures of homes and barns etc. I finally packed many of them away as they were taking up my entire dining room!
Hi: I just love all your dolls. I collected dolls a while back. Madame Alexander Dolls. I have quite a few. I think next Christmas I will do my tree in the dolls so you can see them. I have them put away right now. Blessings, Martha
I love your doll collection!!! I have never really collected anything but always wanted to. It is never too late to start!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!
-Alisa Hope
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