Remember the ice palace in the movie Dr. Zhivago?
How about the crystal formations on the frozen windows?
(Of course, Omar Sharif's eyes boring into one's soul is also memorable. omg)
The photography in that movie was so outstanding. No wonder it won so many awards. It still ranks as my Number One favorite movie of all time, along with Gone With the Wind as a close second. Whoever saw Dr. Zhivago is sure to remember the hauntingly poignant song, "Somewhere My Love." The movie is a heartbreaker but also has touches of action, sorrow, fear, hope, and, of course, love!
Well, with all that in mind, when looking out of our windows yesterday morning, the Russian ice palace days of Lara and Yurii came to mind. Incredibly delicate and dazzling ice designs covered all our bedroom windows. Of course, the first thing I did was run for the camera.
"Oh, I can share these on my blog," I said as I flew down the hall to retrieve my trusty little Kodak digital camera. Now, here are the results! Hope you enjoy looking at them.
By the way, if you click on each picture, you can see the ice formations close-up!
Check out the little spider in this shot, frozen in time!

Isn't nature filled with magnificence? What is your favorite season?
Oh you took some beautiful shots!I have to admit, winter is not my favorite season--maybe that's why I live in FLorida. I love fall here--October is perfect with cooler temps and low humidity.
Do they give awards for ice photography? If so you should WIN....each picture I clicked on looked like frozen leaves...and that spider..oh dear!...great shots Susan. I of course love endless summer...no wonder I live in So. Cal.xo
Hi Terri! Thanks so much for your comment and nice compliment on the photos. It was fun taking them. I appreciated both very much. Hope your day is good!
Hi Di...No, no awards for ice photography, Di. My reward is sharing what I LOVE to do with others,namely, write and take photos! Hope your day is fun!
I already see them framed with very wide black mats. Beautiful...
What am I doing here? I have a house to clean for a dinner party tomorrow. Arrrrrrgh! Computer addiction alert!
What amazes me - is that there are so many different crystals - yet no one is like another one - they are all different - they may be similar, but they are all different. Just like us - unique.
Oh yes and Omar - those eyes! We all get older don't we? Love the song too.
Another favorite of mine is It's A Wonderful Life. And of course I love Gone With The Wind.
Oh my goodness! It's been years since I have seen that kind of frost. What a great job you did of capturing it. My favorite season has to be Spring. The smell of new life in the air is the best.
Thanks for sharing the great pics!
Hi Adrienne...Can't wait to hear about the dinner party. Sounded great. Thanks for your visit and suggestion. I'll definitely take it into consideration....the very wide black mats.
Hello Sandie...Thanks for your visit. Omar was a hunk, wasn't he? I'm so glad you liked those two great movies, too.
Hi Jan! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. Love it when there are comments. You know what? I love spring, too. But also autumn. Hope your Sunday is great!
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