Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Part Two: Wilson Castle in Proctor, Vermont (Post for TUESDAY, JULY 27)

The Dining Room in the Wilson Castle. (Click any photo to enlarge)

Touring the inside of  Wilson Castle, located at the top of a hill in Proctor, Vermont, is a fascinating and educational experience.

There is so much to see in every single room and tour guide Dianne Roy explains everything with amazing detail. 

Dinner in the dining room used to be announced via chimes on one wall.  The stained glass, shown to the right, depicts, quite appropriately, a scene themed around food.

Check out this attractive silver service:

This is a hand carved ebony chair, originally owned by a wealthy and powerful Chinese merchant. No one sat in the chair, the tour guide, explained. It became part of the Chinese household simply to show the wealthy status of the owner. Check out the dragon on the end of the armrest!

Here's another chair with an armrest that looks like a very wise wizard.

Hand carved beds can be found in the bedrooms such as the one below:

Tiles from the castle's many fireplaces were made in Chelsea, Massachusetts, the tour guide said. This one has the words "Tempus Fugit" on it which means "Time Flies." Snakes are shown around the opening and a lion is depicted against the back wall of the fireplace. Above the fireplace is a panel of  tiles with swallows.

Here is  the tour guide winding up an old-fashioned music box that is playing "Nearer They God To Thee." 

Many of the rooms in the castle have hand stenciled ceilings that are ornate and beautiful.

There are more photographs of items in the castle but I don't want this post to get any longer. If anyone is interested in seeing more of  Wilson Castle in future posts, could you indicate that in the Comment section?

 My concern is that readers will be "castled out" and not be interested in more pictures from the castle. I don't want to bore anyone.  Maybe you think "enough is enough."

 P.S. Please comment whether you want to see more, okay?  Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What an awesome castle. I didn't know we had castles in the US. Those chairs look scarey.

Susan said...

Hi Rosie! How interesting you thought the chairs looked scary! Thinking about spending the night alone in the castle scared the wits out of me! ha! (Especially after I found a huge brown spider in the corner inside one of the windows. Yikes!)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Really beautiful. I guess the closest I've seen to a castle is Tyron Palace in NC. It was gorgeous!

diane stetson said...

Lovely pictures Susan..keep up the good work!

Claus said...

When visiting old and historical houses, don't you picture yourself living in it? I do! It would be like living in a house filled with treasures. This castle is beautiful, and like you said, with plenty to see. I wouldn't mind seeing more of it! I would love to!, actually.

Susan said...

Thanks Rosie, Linda, Diane, and Claus, for your comments. Claus, so glad you would like to see more on the castle. I'll do one more post on it soon.

Hope you all have a sweet day! Love, Susan

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

How could one get tired of gorgeous castle photos! I love seeing each one. But I have to admit as beautiful as they are they don't compare to the amazing Vermont scenery shots!

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Susan: I love the pictures of the castle. Please share all you want. You asked about how many tea cups I have. I really do not know, as some are stored for the different holidays. I would guess about 200. I think at is a safe guess. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

BECKY said...

Hi Susan! I thought I left a comment on this earlier, but guess not! Love all your photos and the tales you tell about them! Thanks and keep on sharing with us!

Chatty Crone said...

It would be scary to be there alone. And I guess if you were rich enough to live in a castle - you'd have servants and house keepers. Sandie

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