Thursday, September 8, 2011

Simple Summertime Pleasure

Joining Simple (Summertime) Pleasure Party over at Dayle's blog, A Collection of This and That. Bloggers tell what is one small thing they consider a simple pleasure of life.

      When the rain pelts down in sheets from dark gray skies, and beats against the window screens, a simple summertime pleasure is to scrunch down under the covers and get some extra sleep.

     The chilly wind blows in through the white lace curtains.  The blankets feel warm and cozy. It's such a great feeling to not have to be on time somewhere.  Summertime schedules are more relaxed and laid back.

     The harder the rain falls, the longer I want to stay cocooned, like a bird, hunkering down in her warm, feathered nest.

      Ahhhhh, sleeping in on a rainy morn is truly a simple pleasure of life. 

      Will have to check tomorrow's weather forecast and hope for rain.



diane stetson said...

It hardly ever rains in the summertime in So. don't have that pleasure of sleeping in. When the rainy season comes I hope it rains on Saturday...that is the only time I can sleep in.

Bookie said...

We are so in need of rain here! How strange with so much flooding in the country that here we are so dry. Mother Nature has a darned sense of humor this summer, doesn't she?

Kay K said...

The much needed rain here I am so thankful for
but I sure am alreay missing sitting on my porch of the morning as its been way to cool for me out there you said makes one want to stay in ....

Chatty Crone said...

Oh I agree with you - when it is dark and raining - oh to just sit or lay down and take a nap - feels so wonderful. sandie

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