Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stained Glass Artistry

Happy Sunday everyone!

It's my custom to attend church every Sunday. Both sets of grandparents and my own parents passed this tradition down and for me, it's a good one.

 It's good to thank God for all the blessings of the past week and the week to come.

Here's the problem. Because I consider stained glass are real art form, the tendency is for me to look up at the stained glass windows instead of listening to the sermon.

When the sun comes through them, wow! They are even more gorgeous.

Then, if I squirrel away a little digital camera in my purse, there is no way to keep from snapping pictures.

At least I waited until the services were over to get the shots in today's post. As people left the church, I just sat happily in a pew and snap, snap, snapped to my heart's content.

I hope you enjoy these glimpses of beautiful art and am happy you don't have to stretch your neck to see the ones way up high!



GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

The stained glass windows are works of art and I love them too! Your photos are wonderful!

Chatty Crone said...

Hello - how are you doing today?

I love those stained glass windows in church - they are powerful aren't they?

And what is wrong with looking up? That's where God is! And how can you not be thinking of good things when you see those windows?

Love, sandie

Bookie said...

Lovely glass! Have a nice Sunday!

Linda O'Connell said...

These windows are beautiful distractions and you know, a picture is worth a thousand words, there is a story with each.

Victorian1885 said...

I love the stained glass windows.. such artistry! We spent hours wandering through cathedrals when we visited Europe and you are right my neck ached after the visits. Enjoy your Sunday!


Joyce Rothman said...

Hi Susan, If I were there with you, I'd be doing the same. They're so majestic, and awe inspiring that I would think, they're a great way to connect with God. Your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for sharing.
Love, Joyce

Kit said...

You crack me up! If God had not wanted you to look at those beautiful windows, he wouldn't have put them in churches. :) So look away and thanks for snapping pics. Those are gorgeous and yes I love all kinds of stained glass. Have a lovely Sunday! Kit

Donna Volkenannt said...

Lovely photos. Stained glass windows are works of art.
Thanks for posting the photos from your church.
Donna v.

diane stetson said...

I grew up singing in this church too and my wedding was here and so the windows...always have. Thanks for the memories Susan.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love stained glass windows. I think getting inspiration from them is wonderful. Thank you for the photos...they are beautiful! hugs, Linda

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