Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Perk Up the Spirit with Tulips

Tulips are usually synonymous with spring.

Even though global warming has apparently been keeping this winter toasty, we still have a way to go before spring officially arrives.

Some days, many actually, the sun never comes out at all and a gray sky is all we have to look at. That can be a downer.

One sure way to perk up one's spirits as well as add a cheery look to the kitchen is to buy a bunch of tulips in your favorite color, pop them into a pretty glass or vase, and enjoy!

Because the color pink makes me happy, the tulips for our house are pink.  A cut crystal vase chipped so it got retired as a drinking glass but still makes a super flower container, don't you think?

It was delightful to find these lovely pink tulips in the supermarket.  They cost $6.99, which is a bit more than I wanted to spend, but that's a lot cheaper than therapy. ha!

Doilies are kind of old-fashioned but add a lot to a home's decor. They are so beautifully crocheted and reminiscent of grandmas everywhere.

Luckily, there was a pink one in the dining room china closet drawer.  It has set off the pink tulips perfectly.

These little harbingers of spring are doing a great job of bringing smiles to whoever comes into the kitchen.  Can't put a price tag on that!



Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

I have been reading blogs tonight to see what is going on in blogland and stumbled upon your blog. Those beautiful pink tulips made me want to stay and gaze at them dreaming of having some in my garden in a few months. I also like crocheted doilies, in fact, I have one that I purchased at an antique store that looks to be the same color as yours. I host a party called Your Cozy Home and would love to have you show those pink tulips and doily. We are sharing anything that you think makes your home a warm inviting place to live. So, join in the fun if you can.---Shannon

Linda O'Connell said...

Such happy memories of my childhood are evoked by tulips. Pretty doily.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Those are such pretty pink tulips! Something about the pink and the green leaves that looks so soft and lovely. I wish I had a vase of tulips on my kitchen table today. They are one of the few cut flowers that need to be trimmed because they keep getting longer :)

Hope you have a great day!

Bookie said...

After a $1000 and 21/2 hours of dental work, I bought myself some pink tulips yesterday too! What was $6 more dollars at that point in the day? Smile.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

We had a 9 hour layover in Holland and a friend took me and the boys around town but all I remember was cold and drizzly weather in the summer. Zack was about 5 at the time and fell asleep every single place we went. We were returning from the States to Kuwait and it was a very long trip. I like that pink doily. Looks like something I could actually make. :) Hope you are having a great week. Tammy

diane stetson said...

I've been to Holland and loved the tulips there. I just had some yellow ones in my living room last week. This week I have lovely lilies and roses from my daughter for my birthday. The doilies are very pretty Susan.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love tulips and looked for some yesterday at Lowe's but also none there. I'm going out again today and hope to find some. Your pinks are my favorites but any will do on these gray days. I need a cheer me up as I've had this lingering cold for over 10 days now...enough! I love the doilies also! Hugs, Linda

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Oh and YES I would love to go to Holland and see the tulips...a group trip? hugs, Linda

BECKY said...

Hi Susan! What beautiful photos today! And we've been having very dreary, cloudy, yucky days here, too. I think I really do have a bit of SAD. I don't have any real flowers at the moment, BUT I have a vase of "fake" pink tulips that looks almost exactly like yours! I also LOVE tulips, and roses, and petunias, etc! Thanks for the cheery pictures! I would like to go to Holland, BUT...there's a place much closer to home that I'm definitely going to SOME DAY SOON! The Tulip Festival in Pella, Iowa!
How 'bout we plan to meet there??!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan! Lovely tulips today - a beautiful and soothing sight. Thank you for sharing those pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

Susan - those tulips sure made me feel happy. I think they are my favorite flower ever. And I love the pink! Great post. sandie

Journeyin' Lady... said...

It was 73 degrees here today so felt like summer! I have daffodil shoots coming up so will have blooms soon. I may have tulips too? I have my Grandma's crocheted doilies, don't use them, but can't bear to let them go. Love your's!

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

Thanks very much for brightening my day by sharing those beautiful pink ( which is my favorite color) tulips. Can't wait until I see the first little tulip pop out of the ground in the spring. You did fine getting here so I won't say a word about not linking back to me. Heehee. You probably forgot and can do it when you come again. I really appreciate that you took the time to visit my party.----------- Shannon

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