Not too often, of course, because it's better to plan purchases in line with one's budget, right?
Well, on a trek through Home Goods, recently, a certain little miss caught my eye.
She's holding up part of her dress and I thought it would be a great place to put a few flowers.
Plus, I just love all kinds of sculptures.
This one, of the cute little miss, wasn't very expensive so I figured, "buy 'er" and I did.
Now the dilemma is whether to leave her the color she is, dark to look like bronze, or paint her white and distress.
What do you think? Leave her as is, or paint her? Your opinion matters!
Hello from Spain: I like your new sculpture. I do not paint. I like the dark tone. her posture is very elegant. Keep in touch
My daughter uses hers as a bird feeder. I like this sculpture the way it is.
I kind of like her just the way she is. It looks like she is carrying the flowers home in her apron. She's lovely.
Wow! I wouldn't have been able to resist her either, Susan. I don't understand the paint-mania at all. If she were mine, I'd leave her the way she is....
Oh, Susan! I LOVE her!! And no, I would not paint her!
Oh - your little bronze girl is lovely!! I'd leave her in her metal form -- unless she's plaster or cement! I'm with Rebecca - I don't understand painting everything white. Especially wooden furniture. Painted white would make me think that she's a cemetery monument!!
Go with the opinions so far and leave her as she is...glad you enjoyed your shopping trip.
Hi Susan, she is adorable. Home Goods is a dangerous place for me!!!! LEAVE her as is...she is so pretty and would lose a big of her charm if you painted her.
Have a great week.
She is very sweet. Sometimes I prefer to keep things like this in metallic tones, because I enjoy seeing paint, metal, mirror reflection, and textiles in a room (each adds interest and accent). But, in this case, I really think the little figurine would be even more precious painted white and distressed. Looking forward to see what you decide.
Gracious Hospitality
I would have gotten her too. How about verdigris instead of white - it would definitely add lovely patina to this beautiful statue. I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,
I like it the way it is. sandie
A lovely sculpture, Susan. I can see why you had a problem resisting her! Follow your own heart as to what you want to do with it.
I've been lightening up a lot so I vote white! Gotta love Home Goods - great things at great prices!
She's great!
She is really cute and I like the suggestion of verde! Still she is fine as is or painted. YOU decide!
Depends on your decor. It would be pretty either way.
Gosh, I've been away busy this past week and am enjoying so much catching up here. Thanks!
It seems the consensus is leave her as she is. I never would have thought to put flowers in her dress. Very sweet! Best wishes, Tammy
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