Aloe vera is an indispensable plant.
It's ancient, too, and reading about it, one find that it's familiar to many cultures.
Supposedly, its origin is Africa.
Around our house, the indispensable part has to do with burns.
It's definitely a plant that should be kept in the kitchen.
As soon as a burn occurs, I run to the aloe vera, snip off a piece and squeeze the clear, jelly-like substance inside on the burned area.
It immediately stops the pain.
By the next day, the area doesn't hurt a bit.
People use aloe vera for many things including for skin care.
Some people claim aloe vera helps with weight loss but that hasn't really been substantiated.
(If it were, I'd be happy to drink a gallon of the juice a day! ha!)
I have used Aloe Vera for many purposes throughout my life, Susan. My mother-in-law first introduced it to me many years ago. It is a wonderful plant with a lot of health benefits.
Yes I had a plant of it when the kids were little and used it for burns too.
Hello from Spain: I use aloe vera cream to moisturize my skin and my daughters. It's very good recipe. Keep in touch
I need to get one of these...never have had one.
Yes, our aloe vera has come in very handy, particularly for burns. I wish it could be substantiated that it would be useful for weightloss.:-)
So it really stops the pain from a burn - I need to get one! Sandie
I don't currently have one, but I do love an Aloe Vera plant for burns and scrapes.
It's also good for sprangs.. my mom hurt her foot and we took some pieces off the plant split them open and rubbed the sauve on her thickly and wrapped it with plastic wrap.. and it took the swollen down .. I fell one time off a dresser and had horrible pain and red bruised place and did the same thing and the next day the pain and the red disappeared.. It helps with bruised areas.. besides the burns Happy Sunday with love Janice
Your aloe plant looks nice, secured on your kitchen window :) Here we have loads of Aloe growing outside, and it grew so much in past month, while I was away to my native place. Yes, I used Aloe several times, made jelly our of it as to be applied on face skin, against blemishes, acne and so son. Also here in India, they sell aloe juice, it is said to be good for girls, and purifies blood.Otherwise, same as you do, you can simply rub fresh cut aloe flesh onto your skin,just check for allergy though. aloe juice tends to make skin fair too. Hope it helped! Have a nice weekend, Susan!
I had to give mine away before the move, but you're's indispensable in the kitchen! XOXO
I need to buy this plant.
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