Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Sunny Spot on a September Afternoon

Sometimes, in the busyness of our lives, we must stop and take notice of the little things.

Each day is usually filled to the brim with "must do's" and routine things to accomplish.

That's life, after all.

However, once in awhile, something may attract our attention and we must follow through.

Just such a moment came recently.

It had been an extremely hectic day, as usual, and fatigue threatened to gain hold.

I looked up and out toward the enclosed side porch.

Everything was bathed in bright sunshine and sprinkled with shadows.

Of course, I ran for my camera  and started snapping.

No matter how busy we are, we  cannot miss those special, fleeting moments of our  lives. 

We simply need to just stop and enjoy what is before us..



diane.stetson said...

I saw a beautiful last yellow rose of summer by the side of my house in the back yard. Autumn is here now and even though it's 90 out the flowers are all dying!

Donna Volkenannt said...

The sunset last night made me take notice. It was lovely.

Anonymous said...


Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

That's a beautiful post with so much meaning. Our lives get so hectic sometimes.
I'd love to have a beautiful sunlit room like yours someday, to just enjoy the moment.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I love your porch.
A great space to unwind and enjoy nature. Your house is fabulous. I have two little girls and I can not stop until the evening though I'm exhausted. Keep in touch

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Yes, indeed, and I hope you sat a spell in that sunlit corner. So inviting.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, these are lovely picture of the sunlight coming through, and I can see why you stopped to take pictures of your porch. Today, when I was driving on the country road near my home, I saw a family of turkeys. I had my camera handy, but was going in the opposite direction and couldn't stop to take their picture. Hopefully, I'll see them again soon.


marianne said...

Hope you got to "sit a spell" on your lovely and inviting side porch. We do get so busy trying to get our to do lists done, don't we? Now that my husband and I are retired I feel I have more freedom to just sit and enjoy the moment. I feel as tho I am entitled to it now. It's time to slow down and enjoy every fleeting moment as you said.

Sunny September afternoons are like a pause in the change of seasons and there is nothing so relaxing as time to enjoy it.

Merlesworld said...

Good shots sometimes we just need to stop and look for a few minutes.

Diann said...

What beautiful photos! Happy belated birthday to you Susan!

Chatty Crone said...

Got to see my grandson this week and he thrilled me!

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. Hello Susan...
I love your side porch... so restful and pretty...
I like to see the sun coming in my kitchen and bedroom windows... I can just stand and look at the sunlit curtains and be a peace...even better if a breeze is blowing them xxxx
Hugs and blessings ... Barb xxx

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I have a tendency to notice everything and take pictures of it all which drives my family crazy. I keep telling them, I don't use all the photos, but it is "just in case." There's definitely always something special in the every day. Hugs, Tammy

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I want to be in your beautiful, bright and white sunny room right now! It is such a happy place!

agatek said...

This impresses me, too.
I'm also going to bring the camera.
Lovely is your house.
Have a nice day.

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