Thursday, April 16, 2015

First Flowers of Spring


It's almost unbelievable that I am writing about the first flowers of spring that came out of the ground in our driveway!

Yes!  It's true.  

Photos in this post are not of mounds of white snow nor ice-covered sidewalks, buried-in-snow bird feeders or the picnic table with two feet of snow piled on top.

These flashy purple flowers, called Glory-of-the-Snow, are actually popping up at the end of our driveway.

Getting out of  the car, I just about did a jig when seeing them.

Truly, it was hard not to expect a huge cloud to drop down more frozen snow, cover them up and pronounce that I was just dreaming of seeing flowers coming up and out of the frozen earth in the driveway.

But it's true. The Glory-of-the-Snow beauties look absolutely gorgeous!

Do I dare whisper that spring has sprung in New England?



diane.stetson said...

When I lived in New England the first flowers that came up were the daffodils. We sang a song about them in elementary school...Daffodil, daffodil, spilling your gold on the APRIL hill...remember Susan?

Red Rose Alley said...

Your purple flowers are very pretty, Susan, and I'm so glad that they finally started to blossom. The ranunculus would be the first flower in my garden this spring, but it's not doing as well as the roses. Roses are such sturdy and pretty flowers. There's nothing like them.


Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: the flowers are beautiful. Spring is a very cheerful and bright season. Keep in touch

Susan Freeman said...

The most charming little flower! I miss those because I have not seen any in south Texas. But I get to enjoy your pics so that makes everything so much better!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

Stephanie said...

It was a deligtful joy to see your pretty spring flowers this morning. It is very cold and snowing right now so the cheerful colors of the flowers were a treat.

Hugs to you!

Kamyria said...

Ohhh... these are gorgeous! I can't wait to write about the first flowers of the spring. We have some coming out of the ground but it will be a while till we see them bloom. I'm dying to go hiking to see what I can find in the wild. Maybe this Saturday morning I will :)

marianne said...

Your Glory in the Snow are a sight to behold! I think Spring has sprung as it has been sunny and mild for several days now.

Last evening as the sun set, my husband and I heard the sound of the "peepers" across the open water of the lake. To us, that is always a sign that Spring is really here.

No flowers poking thru here yet, but I did see a patch of the most beautiful spring green moss by the lilac bushes. What a treat...

Chatty Crone said...

Those Glories are so pretty - wasn't it just a couple weeks ago you had snow?

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So exciting and so very pretty!!!

janice15 said...

So sweet Spring is a wonder of magic.. Happy Spring with love Janice

Nellie said...

Spring will be with you in full bloom before you know it!

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