Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fortune in a Cookie

Fortune cookies, the kind you get at the end of a Chinese meal,  have never been a big temptation for me.

They are rather bland and way too crunchy.

However, I love pulling out the little rectangular piece of paper on which a fortune is written.

There was a time, in my younger years, when I saved all the fortunes I liked and slipped them into the sides of a bedroom dresser mirror.

The only scary time remembered, pertaining to fortune cookies, is the night I cracked open the cookie and found no fortune at all!  

The one at the top of this post came in the last cookie given when hubs and I went out for an anniversary dinner in March.



Chatty Crone said...

I don't remember any specific - but I do love them!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm with Sandie, I love them. My favorite was about traveling to a foreign land while I was planning my Paris trip!

diane.stetson said...

My last fortune cookie was this past Sunday when I ate at an Asia said that I was going to win big money soon....Maybe I should use the numbers on it in the state lottery?

Kamyria said...

I don't remember any specific ones. I don't really like the cookie either, almost never eat it, but I love the little fortunes.

marianne said...

I do like the fortune cookies and think they are tasty with the last of the tea that usually comes with the meal. It's fun to read one's "fortune" and to hear what the others at the dining table received. They always spark interesting conversations too.

Nellie said...

I have actually eaten very few fortune cookies in my life. They are usually available where Chinese food is served, and we've not been such fans in the past. I do like the fortune you've pictured in this post!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I usually save them, too, but no idea where they all are. Ha! :) My intention is to always paste them into my daily journal, but I'm never able to keep up with a journal. Oh well. Best wishes, Tammy

Lady Linda said...

Of what fun Susan. I save the good ones...they usually end up in my wallet and then I throw them out. Just funny, Hope you have a great weekend dear blogger friend.

Lady Linda said...

Forgot to say how much I enjoyed your photos! They are soooo good. I don't like to fly at's an endurance test for me. Jim and I are going out your way in June/July. Flying into Manchester NH to see parts of VT and MA. Yes, another Tasha Tudor event.

Red Rose Alley said...

I like what your fortune cookie says, Susan. That must have been weird opening up one and not getting a message. I've had many fortune cookies, but one I will always remember........your eyes are the windows to your soul.

I really like everything about the fortune cookie; the look, the taste, the fun messages that are inside. They are delightful.

love, ~Sheri

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