Thursday, April 23, 2015

Missing the Pines

Is it possible to miss trees?

Last year, neighbors who live close by had some gorgeous, towering pines that overshadowed our yard, cut down.

If there had been anything that could have been done to persuade the neighbors not to cut down the pines, I would have tried but they had the final say.

They wanted more sun in their backyard.

So the decision was made and the trees, that had been there for a long, long time, were cut down.

To this day, I miss the old beauties. 

They gave shade in the heat of the summer and looked gorgeous all frosted with snow and ice in the winter.

These days, when driving near pines, I always think of those towering healthy and giant trees that  were so mercilessly chopped to smithereens.

It still makes me sad.

It's like I lost a couple of dear friends.  



Linda O'Connell said...

I know exactly how you feel. There used to be a gorgeous fluffy-like pine near us, wit the softest of bristles...and then someone got the bright idea that it was blocking their view. Because it wasn't ours, all I could do was mourn.

Nancy's Notes said...

Oh, I'm sick right along with you! I'm so sorry and I understand! I had a neighbor at one time, he didn't like trees and was proud of that! Shrubs were okay, but not one tree in his yard. Crazy...

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. Susan... I love trees.. except the palm tree next door that drops dead fronds and seeds onto our fernery roof....
Actually I do believe in preserving as many trees as possible. What your neighbours did was criminal... xxxxxx
I understand how you feel .
Hugs... Barb xxx

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love trees, but since my daughter and family live in a home surrounded by them and one fell on their house recently, I do understand taking some down.

diane.stetson said...

These pictures remind me of the tale that starts"This is the forest primeval the murmuring pines and the hemlocks" I love trees and when my neighbor wanted to cut my front yard trees down as they were dropping things in his fountain I protested...I had them trimmed but NOT cut down.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: In my city we have to cut down trees because the height lift the floor of the urbanizations. Keep in touch

Chatty Crone said...

Well I am sure I live in an area that is a lot different than yours. All we have here is trees. When you drive down a street all you see is trees and actually there could be a whole subdivision or a shopping center here. They are cutting a lot more trees down here for 'progress'. I have mixed feelings about it to be honest.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I watch trees and plants being plowed down around me and it truly makes me sick. When I see houses go up with no green space whatsoever, I'm disgusted. People do not realize how important plants are for our own survival. Heck, I'm happy if weeds grow around here. If it's green, if it flowers, it stays. :) Best wishes, Tammy

SImple and Serene Living said...

I hate to see beautiful healthy trees cut down. What a terrible loss. xo Laura

Kamyria said...

Sorry about your loss Susan. I know exactly how you feel. Few years ago a house across the street has been sold. That house had the most beautiful tree in front. It was really big and every spring it had white blooms. I've never seen tree of this size with white blooms. It was gorgeous. I always meant to take the picture of it and always forgot until it was too late. That year when the house was sold I was ready to do it... I was waiting for it too bloom but I never got a chance. When the new people moved in after the house was sold, the first thing they did was to cut this tree. They didn't even see the white blooms... they cut it in early spring, right before it was to bloom. I've never forgotten this tree... I don't know why they cut it because the tree was at the end of their driveway and should not have been a problem for the house. I guess it was aesthetic reasons... Dumb if you ask me...

Red Rose Alley said...

This girl loves the trees - the beauty of them, the age, the fact that they provide us with shade when we need it. Oh, they are truly wonderful, and we should preserve them when we can.

love, ~Sheri

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