The first Sunday in the Christmas season is here!
It's a busy time of year, that's for sure.
Always I have heard that the older one got, the faster time sped by.
The days really do go by in a flash.
But each day is precious. Each day is an appreciated gift.
With that perspective, life, despite all its difficulties, is good.
It is my sincere hope that your day today will be blessed by the angels!
Good Morning! So far the season has been very busy but very good. My girls came over for our tree trimming party and the house is now all ready for the holiday. :) You are very right, as I get older the days DO seem to race by. So I try and grab ahold of each one and enjoy it totally. I hope your season is a happy one! :) Kit
The days do race along, don't they? I am wrapping Christmas gifts for a package to mail to Wisconsin soon, and today I went to a Holiday musical event with my friend singing it it.
Last week has been little rough..two kinds of illness here, a truck that had to be towed for repair, hurting relatives, and the weather forecast for next couple of weeks has some ugly places!!! But the sun was shining a lot for right now and food in the house and all in order otherwise! Have a good week coming up.
... Hello Susan... I love your angel... so pretty....
The Christmas season has been wonderful so far..... I love this time of year...
Writing out Christmas cards tomorrow and wrapping last of the gifts to be posted on Thursday.....
Hugs.... Barb xxxx
I just love that photo and how you set it out - I thought that was so pretty and yes CHRISTMAS IS COMING!
I have that same angel Susan. The holidays are wonderful and it is going very well here. Making out my Christmas cards this week and all else is done.
Hi sweet friend! Your little angel is darling :)
It's quite hard to believe it's already the 7th of December! My, how the time has flown by. Wishing you a joyous week, Susan. Hugs!
It's going pretty good for me. We have the tree up and one of my tiny granddaughters helped me decorate it a bit on Sunday. I will finish it up either tomorrow or Wednesday after work. I still have shopping to do but this is the norm for me....not fighting it anymore. I love the last minute rush and wrapping!!
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