It's always great to meet a person who has compassion.
It's a beloved trait that soothes and shows care.
Compassion is usually considered concern or pity for others who may be going through hard times.
What about compassion for one's self? Is that good, too?
You bet it is.
How often do we show compassion toward ourselves?
The answer is probably not enough!
In this brand new, full-of-promise year, I hope to exercise compassion toward others but also practice a bit of self-compassion.
We need to be gentle with ourselves and then we can give even more to others.
One way I'm going to do this is to do necessary chores and so forth, but then add something fun that I love doing but never have time for.
People tend to be more forgiving of others than they are of themselves, it's true. I think self compassion is a good concept.
I think you are right there - I never really thought about it in that way. Yes I do think we should have compassion for ourselves. Sometime we are our own worst critic - and I do feel we have to let ourselves off the hook one in awhile. No one is perfect.
I used to buy myself flowers every once in awhile, but now close by is a rose garden that I go to that has an assortment of roses blooming everywhere! Taking time to be gentle to ourselves is, indeed, important. Thank you for the nice reminder, Susan.
love, ~Sheri
Unfortunately, it all comes down to chocolate for my self reward. LOL
Make sure that I exercise on a daily basis.
For myself, compassion means that I don't let others knock me down. Not with rudeness or indifference. Argumentatively or insults. If I focus on myself with compassion I am believing in myself and that does a world of good!
My kids love (and use) that expression, "It's all about you!". Now I say, "You got that right!" ;-D
Jane x
Compassion for others is easier then compassion for ourselves, at least for me. I too will try harder to be forgiving of my faults and downfalls.
I so agree and like Linda, I'm working on being kinder to myself. 2016 was a rough year and I have to get over a lot of anger and learn to find peace. Your post is a tender reminder, XOXO
It is so smart to take care of yourself. I am so lucky that I have the opportunity every day to do what I want. From the job I work at, to reading, watching movies,decorating my home the way I want. And it makes me feel great! Kit
.. we do need to be kind to ourselves...
wise words Susan...
... Barb xxxx
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