Saturday, March 11, 2017

A "Shell" of a Tiny Turtle....

One of the cutest little creatures ever, around here, is a tiny turtle.

He's made entirely from seashells.

He's not more than an inch and a half long.

Guess what?  He even has little eyeglasses and a bitsy straw hat.

Sometimes, he comes down to the kitchen knick knack rack.

Right now, he's upstairs on a windowsill.

He's so darned cute.



Chatty Crone said...

Gosh all I can remember is how many times when we went to turtles and how many over the years we bought them. They are so cute, but sadly they don't make it long. Yours is the better kind - they don't die! sandie

Terra said...

Your cute little turtle gets around, I think he likes to be with you. I am a wildlife "nut" and turtles have a special charm as they carry their house around with them.

diane.stetson said...

My friend Sandra had desert turtles as pets in her yard. We used to bring the pre-schoolers over to visit with them and they would feed them vegetables like lettuce. They loved those visits. Myself...I would rather have the sea shell kind like you do. Ha.

Linda O'Connell said...

Yours is cute, but once we stayed in a condo on vacation and noticed an entire cran family madeof shells staring at us from the dresser. LOL

Merlesworld said...

He is a cutie.
Turtles are slow and relaxed no threat to anyone.

Martha's Favorites said...

Missed you my friend! So good to hear from you. Hope everything is well with you and your family. Looking forward to catching up. Hugs, Martha

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So cute. I had one a little like that but I think it went to the thrift shop :( Turtles are great.

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. I like your little turtle... she is so cute .. xx
One of my grandsons used to collect turtle ornaments.... I would add to his collection for birthdays .. xxxx
have a great day .......... Barb xxxx

Susan said...

Isn't it nice how little things can bring a smile to our face, XOXO


What a cutie pie that tiny turtle is. It's sweet for sure.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a cute shell turtle. His glasses are funny. : ) I love turtles as well. They are fascinating to watch. Love looking at all your special treasures, Susan.


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