Monday, October 2, 2017

Signs of the Season

Once again, Americans weep because of a violent act. 
This time it was a mass shooting in Las Vegas. 
The wanton disregard for human life makes the heart ache.
The stupidity of guns and the destruction and terror they inflict on innocent people is shocking.
Reading the news of the mass shooting was a horrible way to start a new day, new week, and new month.
Pray for the victims and their sorrow-filled families and friends. 
I also pray that the rest of us can carry on and live this day of life to the best of our abilities.

Here is today's blog post:

Birds are still twittering around the feeder in the back yard.

Bushy tailed squirrels are pecking at the seeds that have fallen to the ground.

Nothing goes to waste in Mother Nature's world.

Flowers are still blooming and temps are a distinctly cooler.

One can order maple pecan iced coffees at one drive through establishment.

It's also time to bake pumpkin bread and muffins, sip spiced cider, and experience pumpkin "everything."

The flavors, sights and scents of autumn satisfy.

Truly, autumn's my favorite season of all.



Kit said...

My favorite part is the changing of the trees. I just love all the color! Another part is the cool temps and retreating into my home. :) Kit

Debbie said...

My favorite part has to be the gorgeous colors. Everything else is wonderful too!

Chatty Crone said...

The man was evil.
Look to the people who help - they are what God is all about.

I love all fall and autumn things - everything - colors - activities - pumpkins - all!

diane.stetson said...

I am NOT a fan of anything made with pumpkin....but I love the carved ones at Halloween. This past weekend my grandsons all got Halloween Costumes at the costume store near me. They had so much fun trying them on....I love this time of year because of the wonderful colors in Nature. I hope to see some gorgeous ones as I travel east this coming week.

Linda O'Connell said...

We have an ice cream shop in town that sells pumpkin concretes: thick ice cream with a slice of pumpkin pie blended in, with whipped cream on top. So yummy.


i love the sights, sounds, colors and smells of autumn. my prayers go out to those families that lost loved ones in Vegas.

Linda said...

Thank you for sharing some positive images and thoughts. I so needed this.
Blessings to you and yours,

Red Rose Alley said...

Your leaves are already turning, Susan. What a beautiful sight that must be. Ours are slowly, but surely changing its colors. I love that pumpkin picture. There are many things I love about Autumn, but PUMPKIN goodies is high up there on the list. : )

love, ~Sheri

*yes, praying for all those in the tragedy of Las Vegas.

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