Remember that happy song, part of which goes, "I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy, joy in my heart, joy in my heart, joy in my heart?"

Hope you will find some peace, too.
A day with joy and peace in one's heart can only be uplifting.
I find concentrating on little pleasures brings joy and peace.
For instance:
- Getting a whiff of the pink hyacinth plant that's in the middle of the kitchen table
-Seeing the sun
-Listening to the wind chimes on the back porch
-Sipping a glass of red wine at the end of a long and busy day
- Seeing flickering candlelight in four pink holders on the fireplace mantle
-Getting kisses, hugs, a cards in the mail from grandchildren----all of these bring immense joy and deep peace.
Yes, little things can bring me joy. The little angel in your photo made me smile. Reading a book. Petting my dog. Seeing new leaves on plants in my garden, promising spring ahead. So many things.
Quiet time. Crocheting. Working in the garden. Walking.
Snuggling with our cat who looks like your Honey relaxes me. Warm, sunny days also tease me into happy moods, even though I know snow is possible later in the week.
I love that hanging heart, Susan. It' so pretty and unique. I just went to church this morning, and that always brings me peace and joy. Seeing Francesca and even Jess sending me pictures of her brings me joy too. And nature.....always nature.
Have a pleasant Sunday.
love, ~Sheri
Funny - when I saw the title I started singing the song before I started reading. Love that song.
I love seeing little Disco and Andy laying together.
Loved singing in the choir this morning, going places with my visiting sister who I do not see often enough, texting with my daughter who lives far away, going to my son's house today for a bbq....little things in life bring the most joy.The song goes like this Susan, I've got that joy joy joy joy down in my heart, down in my heart , down in my heart ..I've got that joy joy joy joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay....
getting a whiff of the pink hyacinth that's in the middle of your kitchen table and listening to the wind chimes sound joyful indeed.
You bring me joy! You are just so cute!
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