May angels watch over you today.
The angel pictured here, as long-time readers of this blog may recall, is the rainbow angel.
When the sun strikes her transparent crystals, the whole kitchen gets bathed in rainbows.
Whenever one of our blog peeps is going through a hard time, it makes me sad.

Although we may never have met face-to-face, there is still a strong, sisterly bond among fellow bloggers.
We often share our happy times and our sorrows, as well.
So when one of us suffers a loss, we all feel it.
I'm thinking today of Lorraine who recently and tragically lost a beloved niece.
Her blog addess is
She is a truly lovely blogger, talented chef, baker, and crafts artist and a beautiful, faithful person.
Today, Lorraine and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Anyone who prays, could you send up a little prayer to bless that suffering family? Thanks.
May angels and light surround each of you today and every day.
Do not talk to them but sing about them in many songs with the choir, songs that I taught to my students over the years and I love angels.
I don't talk to angels but I believe they exist.
I am so sorry about Lorraine and the loss of her niece and I will send up a prayer for her and her family.
Saying a prayer for your friend, Lorraine, and I'm sorry to hear she lost her niece. I love that sweet angel of yours that brings out the rainbows when the sun shines on her. This is a very nice post to comfort a blog friend. Yes, they are dear to us, and some feel just like sisters, don't they?
love, ~Sheri
I used to have one of those angel reflectors, too many years ago. Bless YOU my friend. Your blog posts are always inspiring.
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