Sunday, December 1, 2019

December Is Here

"Holy moly, is it December already?"

Maybe that's what Santa is saying.

It is definitely what I am saying.

November flew by faster than a speeding sleigh.

No, not all presents are purchased nor is the house finished being decorated. 

Who cares?  There is still plenty of time.

May your day today be good and filled with gratitude. 

We are waiting for a big storm that is headed our way but hopefully, we will be warm and cozy inside the house.

Think of all those people who have to go out into the snowstorm such as doctors, nurses, CNAs, firemen, police, and those who plow the slick, icy-snow-covered roads. May God bless them, every one.

Blessings to each of you today,too.



diane stetson said...

I love the advent season...preparing for the coming of the Christ Child. I love to hear the homilies at Mass at this time of year and quotes from the Bible. Sundays are a day of rest.

Chatty Crone said...

Besides church - my daughter and I always go to Wally World. Kind of a tradition. I love your Santa.


stay warm and safe if the snowstorm hits. you'll get the decorating done a little at a time. your santa looks sweet. take care.

Linda O'Connell said...

Hope that storm moves in and out quickly and doesn't hamper you too much. I am readying a post about readying my house for the holidays.

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