Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cherish the Little Things

Two days of having nice weather, even though still adhering to the stay-at-home order, meant all the difference in the world.

The blue of the sky was breathtaking, especially when looking at the mounds of fluffy white clouds.

Relaxing on the lounge in the backyard while the sun poured down upon my face was beyond wonderful.

The fountain trickled and the little birds sang their songs while fluttering around the bird feeders.

Sammy the squirrel munched on seeds that had fallen to the ground while the wind chimes serenaded.  

This was no multi-million dollar resort or high-priced vacation but a couple of hours outside made a person feel like she hit the jackpot.

 It was such a lovely afternoon. 



Joyful said...

You're sky shots are beautiful and I love your fountain. The sound of a running fountain is very relaxing. I also agree that a change of weather, usually from gray skies to blue skies makes a big difference and gives joy. Have a wonderful week ahead.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We had a lovely rainy day today. The grass is greening and I noticed the trees are budding out. It's a joy to see.

Your photos are a delightful glimpse of Spring. Loved that sky shot where you caught the spring green just coming out on the trees.

Wishing you a beautiful evening....
Brenda xox

SImple and Serene Living said...

Wind chimes and a fountain are two of my favorite things. Spending time on FaceTime with my granddaughter is definitely my most favorite thing right now. xo Laura

diane stetson said...

I have had a wonderful week of sunshine with no rain finally. BUT today it will be quite warm for May....and it's going up to 90 the next two days. Still it is great to get outdoors and feel nature and I'm grateful for that. I have hummingbirds, bunny rabbits and lizards all around me..ha ha ha

Red Rose Alley said...

Those blue skies and white fluffy clouds, they're beautiful. We're used to the warm weather and sunshine here in California, but I can imagine how the cold states really appreciate it when it comes. My friend lived in Colorado for many years, and it was cold and snowed alot, and she couldn't wait for the Spring to arrive. She always made a trip to Palm Springs every year. Your photos are wonderful, Susan, and your fountain looks so peaceful. Water trickling is always calming. : )


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