Thursday, August 15, 2024

One of Life's Pleasant Surprises

Last year,  an estate sale in a really beautiful home, had a plethora of top quality items. 

The people who had lived in the house had exquisite taste in just about everything.

Every room held so many treasures, it would be impossible to ever count them.

Turning a corner into the kitchen, a huge display of stainless steel pots and pans screamed for attention. 

Overhead lights shone down on them and made them unbelievably shiny.

If there had been money in my purse, some of those pots and pans would definitely have come home with me.

Fast forward to this year, this summer, and a church yard sale. 

Besides books, Christmas decorations, kitchenware, knick knacks, and thousands of other items, something definitely shiny jumped out at me.

They were stainless steel pots and pans, just as beautiful as the ones in that upscale neighborhood home. 

The small pans cost an amazing $4, the larger ones slightly more.

All together, for four pans, three in different sizes, complete with lids, cost $19!

So now, learning how to use and keep my "new" stainless steel pots and pans sparkling clean, is the upcoming task at hand.

Looking at them on top of the stove in my little apartment, the stainless steel pots and pans now have the status of being one of life's really very pleasant surprises.



diane stetson said...

I bought a set of pots and pans for myself for Christmas one year. They were from Italy and are non stick and I love them. A surprise today for me was that my son is coming over to replace a pipe underneath my sink after he finishes work. This will save me a lot of money and I do NOT have to call a plumber...YAY It's great to save money isn't it?

Red Rose Alley said...

These pots are a nice purchase, Susan, and you got a really good deal on them. I just bought one nice frying pan, and it was $30. You will get a lot of use out of these pots, when you make your favorite dishes. They're pretty too! I always enjoy seeing your finds and the goodies you bring home with you. I went to a garage sale today, but didn't find anything worth buying.


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