Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Angels of Peace

Last Christmas, one of my lovely nieces gave me a couple of presents.

Among them was this sweet little angel, not more than five inches tall, who is shown in today's post.

The word "Peace"  is at the bottom of the angel.

She resides on a rather crowded bedroom dresser top, keeping company with a photographs, a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, rosary beads, and so on.  

It's comforting to see the little peace angel daily.

She makes me think of all the other angels of peace walking around our world.  

They are there and often show up in human form when we need them most. 

I love the gentle peace angel with the silver wings and the white dove on her shoulder.

Today, dear blog peeps, I wish you peace in your hearts, as well!



Anonymous said...

I love any kind of angels. I have a few at lu house too. They bring me joy and peace knowing each of us had a guardian Angel watching over us.

Shug said...

This is a very special gift and the best thing is that angels can be out on the shelves all year long. I do believe that we have angels watching over us. Mine must stay very busy! lol. I am thankful that God sends angels. Many times I wonder how many I have actually encountered in human form. Have a very special Sunday

Red Rose Alley said...

I love your peace angel, Susan. She's precious sitting there on your bedroom table. Such a thoughtful gift from your niece. Yes, I believe there are angels on earth, and they come into our lives at just the right time. I just noticed the white dove on her arm, so very special.

Have a quiet and lovely Sunday, dear friend.


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