Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Blue Glass Beauty


Many times on thrift store jaunts, one finds lovely items that can be given as gifts for birthdays and other occasions, without negatively impacting one's budget.

If a hunt for a treasure pays off in spades, all the better.

Such is the case involving a truly lovely piece of blown glass.

It happened to be sitting on a shelf in a Connecticut Savers thrift store.

Purchased new, this would definitely command a big price tag.


At Savers, however, shockingly, the slip said $8.99.

 The blue glass piece would never make it to someone else as a gift because my mind pictured it hanging in my bedroom window.

For a month, it sat on a dresser top since I had absolutely no idea how to hang it or by what means.

At last, a friend who is a handyman, devised how to do the job.

He quadrupled strands of strong, transparent fishing line, knotted it, and then looped it through the top of the glass, and tied it on to a curtain rod.

Now the beautifully fashioned glass piece hangs in the bedroom window.

It is one of life's coveted "God-winks"-----a serendipitous gift that is totally unexpected. 

Thanks, Savers!




Diane Stetson said...

Oh so glad you found someone to hang it for you. Looks lovely.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I remember this blue glass beauty, and I'm so glad you found a way to hang it in your bedroom. It is so pretty, Susan. All we need are friends or family who are willing to lend a helping hand with these handy tasks, and your friend did a great job. You know how much I love blue in the home. There's just something about it. You find so many goodies at the thrift store.


Anonymous said...


Debby@My Shasta Home said...


Shug said...

Looks like you found the perfect place for this beautiful piece. The blue is most definitely an eye catcher.

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