Saturday, December 28, 2024

Living Flowers Bring a Touch of Joy


                         (Here's the kitchen table cyclamen, a little Christmas giftie.)

 It's great to have living flowers in one's home or apartment.

They don't even have to be too elaborate, as long as they are living!

 Right now, a two-headed amaryllis is getting ready to bloom. 

 Yes, I have been talking to them, telling them how nicely they have been growing.

There's a small cyclamen, (shown at top of this post), in the small green pot on the kitchen table. 

It was a Christmas gift, (along with a bottle of wine), from a dear niece. 

A darling friend brought a bouquet of pink stock.

 They are in a crystal vase, along with the cyclamen, on the small kitchen table.

 As noted in previous posts, Christmas cactus is absolutely gorgeous.

 So while the small apartment is a long way from being a plant store, it's still nice to have several living, blooming plants scattered in between the "silk" ones at home.



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

African violets, but since living here (16 years), I've never been able to get them to bloom. I must try again this year!

Diane Stetson said...

I don’t have any flower plants except my red poinsettia which I love. Enjoy all of yours.

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