Sunday, May 17, 2020

Keep On The Sunny Side

The song titled "Keep on the Sunny Side" is an all-time favorite.

One cannot help but be buoyed up when listening to it.

During this time of coronavirus, it's especially important to keep up our spirits.

Otherwise, we start to feel like a deflated balloon and that's not good.

It's really true that, despite the wretchedness of the virus, life is still a gift.

It's still good to be alive, right?

The "Life Is Good" sign hangs in my home office, draped with a colorful scarf I love.

The ceramic roses, found in a Goodwill thrift store in Colorado,  made it home in my suitcase as a frugal souvenir of a wonderful trip.

We cannot go to church right now to say "thank you" to the Lord, but we sure can say it a thousand times a day, no matter where we are, right?



Chatty Crone said...

I agree - the church is a building - we go there to visit and get fed - but the real church is the people!

diane stetson said...

One of my favorite songs is "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" from the musical Annie. We have to have hope and we have to have faith. Technology is great for attending daily Mass as well a Sunday Mass until we can be there in person.

Linda O'Connell said...

Sunny Side sure is an uplifting song. If the sun ever reappears, I will be in my glory. Another week of rain expected. Our Goodwill Store is opening today, but unfortunately I will not be shopping for a few more weeks.

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