During these many weeks of adhering to the stay-at-home mandate, there have been some real strides to keep things as normal as possible.
For instance, despite having almost no spring weather, a colorful bouquet of faux flowers still adorns the white chair on the front porch. It's shown in the photo at the top of this post.
There have been "to do" lists.
There have been plans to keep busy and get things done.
See? Scraping the paint from the back porch stairs and banister has begun in earnest.
Can't wait to see both the banister and the stairs with coats of fresh, white paint.
Some days have been very productive and rather fulfilling.
Other days, however, very few (if any) things on the to do list got done at all.
Is that how it is for you, too?

As the days meld into weeks and the weeks into now two months, emotions are kind of on the surface.
There is more crying than usual around here and that's saying a lot because basically I tended to be a marshmallow heart way before the coronavirus came to town.
There have been sweet moments in the back yard lounge, soaking up the beautiful sun.
Because the temps, at times, remained on the chilly side, it was necessary to bundle up in a sweater and wear favorite colorful socks.
They were a gift from my daughter.
She gave me at least a dozen pairs last Christmas.
I love all of them.
I love your socks.
Well Susan one day is good - the next is sad. Then the next maybe in-between - all different - I feel the same way you do!
I love your socks and the floral arrangement on the chair is beautiful. I can't say I've had any really bad days since the quarantining began. I think in the 2nd or 3rd week I felt a bit down but that quickly passed and thankfully never returned. I have actually kept super busy. For someone else it might not be busy enough but for me it is more than enough and I'm still working away on my rather long to do list. It is less stressful for me to work on it while there are fewer distractions. Restrictions are now beginning to be lifted here and I think for awhile things will be a bit helter skelter. I for one will keep safely at home as much as possible until we know the outcomes of people getting together again.
Hi Susan,
This is first time I've commented on your blog, but I read and enjoy it every day. I really like you! I know how you feel. My emotions are right at the surface. I watched a YouTube video of Hoda and Jenna interviewing Leah Remini and they were saying the same thing. So we are not alone! This is such a huge change for our country. I love your socks, too! I'll be praying for everyone, especially us tender hearts. God bless.
Love your socks!! So cute!! I have been very busy during this time and I just did a post at how I like to look at this time...Stop by if you are interested...
Living in a sunshine climate helps. Having the sun is good for my mood. I like to read and have read many books during this time at home. I have done some cleaning out of closets , drawers and so forth. I try to have a project or two each week to look forward to. I have technology to keep in touch and see my family so I'm doing ok. we just have to be patient. Someday it will be all behind us. In the meantime we have to stay safe and healthy and count our blessings.
Hello my friend. Doing good. My daughter and I were just chatting that although the virus is horrible, it has given us all more down time. Time to slow down and really enjoy what we have. So thats what I'm doing. 😊 Take care, Kit
Love those socks. I am like you. Some days I am very productive and other days I get virtually nothing done. As I am the only person here no one really cares and I have decided to cut myself some slack. xo Laura
My emotions rise and fall, but nears are always near threatening to spill. I have been reading more than writing. missing my babies and the Goodwill/thrift stores. But this too shall pass.
Oh Susan, I understand your emotions right now during this time. I get weepy myself sometimes just thinking about it all. Those are the cutest socks, and so colorful! Just what you need right now. How thoughtful of your daughter to get you a dozen pairs for Christmas. It sounds like you have a few projects to keep you busy. I hope you show us the bannister and stairs when it gets a new coat of paint. ; )
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